August 7th-11th 2024

We have another big year planned for 2024 that will allow us to bring another 35-50 Gold Star Families and Combat Injured Warriors into our family. A family that provides life-enriching experiences and healing opportunities! In 2024, we will use Camp Chautauqua as the backdrop to host the Warrior Weekend to Remember (WWTR).

WWTR is our largest annual event. This is where we welcome new combat-injured warriors and fallen hero families into the Blue Skies Family. Providing the gift of an amazing weekend they will never forget and will change their lives forever.

***Please note that this event is not associated with the Wounded Warrior Project based in Jacksonville, Fl. We are 100% supported by the Blue Skies for the Good Guys and Gals Warrior Foundation. Your donations go to support our Veterans and Gold Star Families.***

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Hero Brew- A Blue Skies & Grainworks Collaboration

Proceeds from the Blue Skies Hero Brew benefits combat injured warriors & fallen hero families.

An American Amber style ale, this beer is brewed as a patriotic partnership between Blue Skies for the Good Guys And Gals Warrior Foundation and Grainworks Brewing Company.

You can now purchase Blue Skies Hero Brew by the SIX PACK! These special edition cans feature 10 Blue Skies Fallen Heroes and a Blue Skies Mission can. Each six pack contains 5 Fallen Heroes and 1 Blue Skies Mission can.

These limited edition cans will go fast so get yours today.

To learn more about how you can purchase your limited edition Blue Skies Hero Brew cans visit:

Click Here to learn more about Hero Brew.

Silent Auction

Many amazing and patriotic items are available with direct ties to our honored warriors. Bids will be accepted online.

Bid now!

Blue Skies Merchandise

Support our mission and show your support for Blue Skies For The Good Guys And Gals with our original apparel. These shirts will be available for purchase at the event.

One thing that I always take away from these events is discussing OUR Stories. One in particular was one I had with Air Force Major Tim O’Sullivan. As both of us are Air Force, we discussed the day(s) where our lives & careers changed forever. The comradery that we had talking at the hangar was very special to me. There are some things I can talk to my friends about what happened to me, but the guys and ladies who have been involved in Combat situations just understand what you’re talking about and how you felt and still feel!!! I take comfort is that! Hope my rambling made some sense.

Kevin Lombardo, Major, USAFM

Wow!! We are on an emotional and spiritual HIGH! For the past five days we have had the most incredible, uplifting, heartwarming, and blessed time with some of the most Awesome people…True American Heroes, including Medal of Honor recipient CSM Bennie G. Adkins!! These Warriors have all given so much to the cause of defending the FREEDOM we all enjoy in this great Nation! Our family was honored to represent our son Marine Cpl Paul W. (Rocky) Zanowick, II and we were uplifted by being able to share this incredible “Weekend to Remember” with all the Honored Warriors and Gold Star families!! Our family would like to offer a huge Thank You to David and John Hart, Team Fastrax™, all of the sponsors of this weekend, all of the volunteers, and everyone we met and who touched our lives and made this special weekend happen! With all the turmoil that we have been living through since the loss of our son, we so appreciate and Thank You for “Insulating us from Isolation” on this “Weekend to Remember”! All our Love to you all!

Paul Zanowick

Thank you so much for the invite. It far exceeded what I expected. Your whole entire team made me feel like one of their own. The program was amazing and what you guys have done for the Warriors was great. I am more than certain that we will be able to do something like that here in Colorado for the Warriors here. I have given my report on the event and how it just exceeded all expectations. Again thank you and your family for all that you have done and continue to do. God bless and I will keep in touch.

Juan Perez, U.S. Army

I am writing to let you know what an amazing experience I had being involved with The Team Fastrax™ W.T.R. Event. The most moving experience that I encountered was the Lima CO. Tribute! It differently set me back and made me think about a lot of things! It also sparked up some conversations that were long overdue to be expressed! I want you to know that being involved is an important part of my life, and recovery. This event and opportunity allowed me to set attainable goals, and successfully achieve them despite my injuries. I always look forward to the knowledge, laughter, experience, and the comradery that I share with the other Veterans whenever I participate in these type of events. I just want to thank everyone involved in making this event possible. I especially want to thank The Participants, families, the coordinators and everyone who made this possible because I understand how difficult it can be to logistically plan for bringing Vets and all their gear to Events. When coordinating with, Lodging, Gear and Chow. I understand the time and effort that you put into this event and I want you to know that the Vets truly appreciate and respect your effort. Keep up the good work.

Damon Zeigler, USMC

See For Yourself How Amazing This Weekend Is